as many do, i
love the Coen Brothers. the first film that i every really enjoyed past the entertainment level is their movie "O' Brother Where Art Thou?". so to show my love for this movie i watched it for this project.
the first thing that should be noted throug
hout all these movies is that almost every
scene in the movie can be stilled then famed and can be a masterpiece. every shot they take has perfect lighting, perfect positioning, and perfect colors. this adds tons of emotion and feeling to every scene you watch. for instance the scene in Fargo where he is burying the money in the side of the road. y
ou can see the loneliness and lifelessness in the place where he is. the place is completely white with just him and a fence really showing. this effect can also be scene where the two are standing there watching Jean run for her dear life. the two men are shown 2 completely different ways but are in
the same scene which is abs
olutely amazing. one man looks evil, with no remorse for anything he just did. the other seems to be enjoying the time he's having capturing this woman. How can this be scene in other movies? well in raising Arizona almost everything in every scene was

the same way. the Arizona's kid's bedroom is beautiful with tons of color and blue to show innocence. same with every shot during the main chaise scenes, every place
an every second is a masterpiece. take for example the final robbing scene Hinde goes through where he has the Huggie's in one hand and a gun in the other. this shows an awesome contrast of his old and ne
w life. it also adds to a funny effect to have him robbing Huggie's in the first place. How is this shown in "No Country for Old Men"? well its quite obvious that every scene is beautiful in that movie like the main drug wreck the story is based around. dead dogs, dead people, blood, glass, charred metal; its like a mini hell!
now finally how does this reate to the movie "o' Brother Where Art Thou?"? the first scene show this a great deal with the train running scene

they're covered in dirt, chained up, and still Everett still finds a calm voice and asks "are any of you boys smithy's?". this is another great contrast that sets up basically the whole film.
one other thing that should be noted is that in all 4 films there seems to be one evil power that can do anything at any time if it catches up with you. usually nature or its habitat ends up destroying/stopping him/it. for instance in raising Arizona we can obviously see this as Leonard Smalls. he is an unstoppable man who wants this baby. he is eventually killed by his own hand grenade. in Fargo? of course! Gaear Grimsrud can be seen as an evil power who ends up killing about 5 people. he is stopped by Marge Gunderson and is taken to jail. where is it in "no Country for Old Men"? the answer (if you didn't already know) is Anton Chigurh. he isn't really stopped but in a way he cant get what he wants. so, its like halfway the Mexicans fault and half Llewelyn Moss's. finally this can be scene in "O' Brother where art thou?"with Sheriff Cooley. nobody can stop him from finding the boys until the lake is filled
everything is washes away.
all in all, the Coens have a very defined style but, they all make their films unique in every way.
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